Friday, July 25, 2008

O'Reilly....Oh really!!!

"Watch what you watchin' Fox keeps feeding us toxins. Stop sleeping start thinking outside of the box and unplug from The Matrix doctrine. But watch what you say Big Brother is watchin'."
-Nas (Sly Fox "Untitled Album")
Things that make you go hmmmm.... The latest rift in the world of journalism is amongst two people who seem worlds apart. Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly and hip hop artist Nas have been throwing jabs at each other guessed it...the TV. Here's the cliff notes version...Nas signed on to be a part of a concert at Virginia Tech to raise money for the school and families of the more than 30 people killed in the school shooting in 2007...O'Reilly questioned the move on the part of the school...his point...allowing a rapper with lyrics according to O'Reilly "as violent as they come" to perform at a benefit concert seemed counter productive...point least in VA Tech's eyes...Nas was taken off the list of performers for the concert...Nas has recently
claimed that O'Reilly and the brass at Fox News are nothing but racists...Nasty Nas or Esco even went as far as trying to serve Fox News with a petition signed by more than 600,000 people urging Fox News to stop its racist rhetoric...What's your take on the whole situation?
Here's a link to the full episode of Nas on "The Colbert Report"


Shorty said...

Anonymous said...

O'Reilly is all about rating never good above board news, he's a joke and really needs to get a life!
Vanessa G